Matrix | Standard (Type) |
Standards Org |
Description | Data Types | Data Layers | Uses | Intended Context |
CASE (Tech) | 1EdTech | Competencies & Academic Standards Exchange: A standard format for representing competency frameworks such as state standards, learning objectives, etc. (more) |
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CC (Tech) | 1EdTech | Common Cartridge: A content packaging standard for course materials. (more) |
| XML, Zip |
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CP (Tech) | 1EdTech | Content Packaging: A format for packaging content and associated metadata for exchange between educational systems. (more) |
| XML, Zip |
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Caliper (Tech) | 1EdTech | Caliper Analytics: A protocol for transmitting and collecting learning events for later analysis. (more) |
| HTTP |
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LTI (Tech) | 1EdTech | Learning Tools Interoperability: A protocol that enables a learning management system to incorporate custom learning tools or experiences offered by another system. (more) |
| OAuth |
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OBI (Tech) | 1EdTech | Open Badge Infrastructure: A format for communicating skills and achievements. (more) |
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OneRoster (Tech) | 1EdTech | OneRoster: A protocol and format for secure exchange of class roster information between applications. (more) |
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QTI (Tech) | 1EdTech | Question and Test Interoperability: A content packaging format for questions (assessment items) and tests. QTI 3.0 incorporates the accessibility features formerly defined in IMS APIP. (more) |
| XML, LOM |
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SIF Data Model (Tech) | A4L | SIF Data Model: Data model for representing and transmitting educational information. (more) |
| LRMI |
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SIF Infrastructure (Tech) | A4L | SIF Infrastructure: Protocol for transmitting educational information. (more) |
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SCORM (Tech) | ADL/IEEE | Sharable Content Object Reference Model: A format for developing and publishing reusable digital learning resources for use in learning management systems and other learning environments. (more) |
| HTML, JavaScript |
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xAPI (Tech) | ADL/IEEE | Experience API: A protocol for reporting and tracking learning activities and student experiences. (more) |
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Blockcerts (Tech) | Blockcerts | Blockcerts is an open standard for creating, issuing, viewing, and verifying blockchain-based certificates. These digital records are registered on a blockchain, cryptographically signed, tamper-proof, and shareable. The goal is to enable a wave of innovation that gives individuals the capacity to possess and share their own official records. (more) |
| Blockchain, JSON-LD |
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UDL (Practice) | CAST | Universal Design for Learning: A framework to optimize teaching and learning based on learning science and in support of students of all abilities. (more) |
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CTDL (Tech) | Credential Engine | Credential Transparency Description Language: Enables rich description of credential-related resources related (linked) to other entities in the credentialing ecosystem. Described resources include assessments, learning opportunities, requirements, costs, and conceptual frameworks. Resource descriptions support labor market outcomes, education and career pathways, and employer preferences. (more) |
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LRMI (Tech) | DCMI | Learning Resource Metadata Initiative: A set of metadata terms for describing learning resources and their relationship to standards or competencies. The LRMI terms are incorporated into Creative Work. (more) |
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Europass Learning Model (Tech) | European Commission | Europass Learning Model captures the results of any non-formal and formal learning across Europe, as well as the validation of non-formal and informal learning. It is designed to provide a single format to describe certificates of attendance, examination results, degrees and diplomas, diploma supplements, professional certifications, employer recommendations and any other kind of claims that are related to learning. (more) |
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Assessment API (Tech) | Ed-Fi Alliance | The Ed-Fi Assessment Outcomes API describes a REST API surface to enable exchange of assessment metadata and student assessment results between disparate and geographically separated systems operated by different organizations. (more) |
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Core Student API (Tech) | Ed-Fi Alliance | The Ed-Fi Core Student Data API standard describes a REST API surface that covers the core data domains typically managed by student information systems in K–12 education. These standards can be used to drive analysis of student performance, both alone and in combination with data from other systems. (more) |
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Ed-Fi Data Standard (Tech) | Ed-Fi Alliance | The Ed-Fi Data Standard is a common model providing the data elements and serialization formats on which all other Ed-Fi data systems are based. (more) |
| JSON |
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Enrollment API (Tech) | Ed-Fi Alliance | The Ed-Fi Enrollment API describes a set of read-only REST APIs for transfer of basic student and teacher demographic data and enrollment data for K–12 education. The API is intended to allow source systems to provide the basic data needed to provision a broad range of online teaching and learning applications. (more) |
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EduPUB (Tech) | IDPF | EPUB for Education: A profile of the IDPF EPUB standard for digital book publishing targeted at education. (more) |
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LOM (Tech) | IEEE LTSC | Learning Object Metadata: A schema for metadata that describes learning objects and resources. (more) |
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Activity Report (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Activity Report: Activity Report allows organizations to electronically compile continuing education (CE) and Maintenance of Certification certificate data across providers, making it easier to track lifelong learning and improvement. (more) |
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Competency Framework (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Competency Framework: The Competency Framework allows competencies and learning outcomes to be used as the backbone of education and performance management systems, enabling users to search for resources addressing a specific competency and determine where competencies are addressed in the curriculum. (more) |
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Curriculum Inventory (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Curriculum Inventory: Curriculum Inventory facilitates the exchange and aggregation of data about health professions curriculum across the continuum of professional education and training. It enables the aggregation of curriculum data for research and benchmarking. (more) |
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Educational Achievement (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Educational Achievement: The Educational Achievement standard facilitates the exchange of data about a learner’s achievements and competencies across the continuum of professional education. It includes the ability to document entrustment decisions and achievement of milestones. (more) |
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Healthcare LOM (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Healthcare Learning Object Metadata: Healthcare Learning Object Metadata (Healthcare LOM) provides a standard way to describe learning activities and content, making it possible to maximize the value of your content and connect to the broader community of healthcare educators. (more) |
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MEMS (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Education Metrics: MedBiquitous Metrics (officially known as Medical Education Metrics [MEMS]) provides a standard format for continuing education (CE) outcomes data, allowing educators to bring outcomes data together across systems and organizations for better research. (more) |
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Performance Framework (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Performance Framework: The Performance Framework standard allows one to represent expected levels of performance related to a competency in a standard format. Performance frameworks can then be referenced from other data to make learner performance data portable and easily understood across a learner’s career. (more) |
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Healthcare Professional Profile (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Healthcare Professional Profile: The Healthcare Professional Profile provides a standard format for profile data on healthcare professionals, making it easier to exchange and compile data across organizations. (more) |
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MedBiquitous Virtual Patient (Tech) | MedBiquitous | MedBiquitous Virtual Patient: Virtual Patients are interactive computer programs that simulate real life clinical scenarios for educational purposes. The MedBiquitous Virtual Patient standard (MVP) enables the exchange of virtual patients across systems and institutions. (more) |
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Admissions Application (Tech) | PESC | PESC Academic Record: The Admissions Application PESC Approved Standard was developed for applicants looking to be admitted into the postsecondary environment and for use by colleges and universities (college/university systems), states/provinces (state/provincial systems), application centers, high schools, districts, vendors, government agencies and service providers. (more) |
| XML |
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College Transcript (Tech) | PESC | PESC Academic Record: The College Transcript PESC Approved Standard was developed for use by postsecondary educational institutions to send current and historical records of educational accomplishments and other significant information for students who are or have been enrolled at the sending institutions. (more) |
| XML |
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Credential (Tech) | PESC | PESC Credential and Experiential Learning: An XML Data Standard to be used by any organization, college, university, school, district, state, province, and/or service provider to fully communicate degrees, certifications and other similar credentials obtained by the student. (more) |
| XML |
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ePortfolio (Tech) | PESC | PESC ePortfolio: The Academic ePortolio schema facilitates the transmission of eportfolio data from one eportfolio system to another. (more) |
| XML | ||
EOC (Tech) | | Educational or Occupational Credential: A diploma, academic degree, certification, qualification, badge, etc., that may be awarded to a person or other entity that meets the requirements defined by the credentialer. (more) |
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CEDS (Tech) | US Ed | Common Education Data Standards: Data Dictionary and Logical Data Model for representing educational data of all sorts. (more) |
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The contributors to EdMatrix advocate for principles. |